
Find a better way

On-demand, accessible wayfinding and pedestrian navigation around complex campus sites, such as hospitals, universities, and retail parks.

Empower visitors to find their way efficiently and independently. 

Helm takes the wheel, offering an on-demand, accessible wayfinding solution that empowers visitors while streamlining your operations.

As a venue manager, you’re about to discover a powerful solution that streamlines wayfinding and enhances visitor experiences within your complex campus sites. Let’s dive into what Helm brings to the table:

Discover Helm

One of our team will get in touch to arrange a free consultation and demonstration of Helm.

What Is Helm?

Helm is a cutting-edge pedestrian navigation system designed specifically for complex venues like hospitals, universities, and retail parks. Our mission? To empower visitors by providing on-demand, accessible wayfinding that ensures they can navigate your space efficiently and independently.

How Does Helm Work?

  • Wayfinding: When visitors arrive, they scan a QR code to receive accessible directions based on their specific needs. Whether it’s a patient heading to a department, a shopper seeking a store, or a student finding their way around campus, Helm guides them step by step.
  • Multilingual and inclusive: Helm speaks everyone’s language. It delivers directions through sign language, spoken words, and written text and international translations, supporting broad-reaching accessibility.
  • Visual clarity: Helm doesn’t just tell—it shows. Expect photos and visual cues at every turn. Visitors will know exactly what to look for, making their journey seamless and stress-free.

Bonus benefits:

    • Enhanced visitor autonomy: Clear, visual instructions empower visitors to navigate independently, minimising questions and freeing up staff.
    • Boost accessibility: Multisensory guidance (text, voice, pictures, sign language) ensures inclusivity for visitors with diverse needs.
    • Enhance brand image: Offer a modern, user-friendly navigation experience that reflects your commitment to visitor satisfaction.

    Chart a Clear Course for your Visitors, Boost Engagement, and Simplify Operations

Is Helm for me?

If your responsibilities include helping visitors navigate a large or complex venue, such as a hospital, university, or retail park, then Helm can help you to grant more visitors the dignity of independence and provide a more welcoming and satisfying visit.

Helm is ideal for:

  • Hospitals: Imagine an outpatient receiving an appointment letter. With Helm, they scan the QR code and instantly receive precise directions from the entrance to their department. No confusion, no stress—just a smooth path forward for efficient patient-flow.
  • Universities: Send freshers emails with room details and essential campus locations. Helm ensures they find their way effortlessly. Cafés, bars, sports centres, and medical facilities—all mapped out with clarity.
  • Retail parks: Promotions lead customers to your stores. Helm navigates them to dedicated pages, complete with turn-by-turn guidance and visual aids. It’s like having a personal guide in their pocket.

Helm is ideal for:

  • Leisure and amusement parks: Help guests find their way around to maximise enjoyment on their days out.
  • Tourist attractions: Tourists need not miss out on the highlights and hidden gems when making a trip around your tourist destination.
  • Event venues: Guide attendees to specific sections, concessions, and restrooms.
  • Government buildings: Help citizens navigate departments and service areas with ease.
  • Public transportation hubs: Assist passengers in finding connecting lines and destinations.
  • Large parks and gardens: Direct visitors to attractions, restrooms, and exits seamlessly.

Transformative Communication for B2C Excellence
Contact us today to see how Helm can transform your campus experience and unlock its full potential.

Why Choose Helm?

  • Positively impact your organisation, venue, and visitors with Helm.

    • Efficiency: Reduce visitor frustration and enhance their experience.
    • Independence: Empower visitors to self-serve.
    • Inclusivity: Serve diverse audiences seamlessly.
    • Venue Optimisation: Streamline traffic flow and improve overall operations.
    • Service uptake: Removing barriers to welcome more visitors and reduce Did Not Attend DNA rates.
    • Public Perception: Inclusivity will make you feel good and help visitors to feel good too.


Get Started with Helm Today!

Are you ready to chart a new course for your visitors and revolutionise wayfinding at your venue? Contact us to explore how Helm can transform your complex campus into a navigational masterpiece. Your visitors will thank you!

Discover Helm

One of our team will get in touch to arrange a free consultation, send you more information and demonstrate PostDoc with it’s simple implementation process.