Almost 5 million people are struggling to read your message
There are many reasons for adults to struggle with reading and engaging. We will help you become more inclusive by making your words accessible to everyone.
customers could be waiting
adults rely on British Sign Language as their only language
A further 65,000 d/Deaf people with English skills are more confident using British Sign Language than English.
Source: ONS Census 2021
adults with low vision cannot read unaided
Vision-impaired people, not including blind adults or people with significant sight loss, can be helped with large print text and carefully chosen fonts.
Source: RNIB Sight Loss Data 5.3
adults are blind or have severe sight loss
Every 6 minutes another person is told they are going blind.
Source NHS, Fight for Sight
adults are severely dyslexic
More than 8.5 million adults across the UK are described as having very poor literacy skills
Source: British Dyslexia Association, National Literacy Trust
adults living in the UK have little or no English language skills
A further 5 million report English as not being their first language
Source: ONS Census 2021
Ease your messaging workload and extend your reach
Access to Words offers unique, web-scale solutions to reach your d/Deaf, b/Blind, sight-impaired, dyslexic, and international customers.
Tell us about your accessiblity challenges
Inclusive mass-mail operations
PostDoc unlocks accessibility for your customer-specific information. Imagine transforming customer notices, promotions and agreements into inclusive, multilingual formats.
PostDoc delivers high volume accessible mail-merge:
Postal letters
Customer web portals
Even without knowing individual preferences, we translate personal communications to meet each customer’s needs and preferences.
Helm steers your visitors in the right direction so they can reach their intended destination efficiently and independently. Introducing Helm, for on-demand, accessible wayfinding and navigation for pedestrians visitors around large or complex campus sites, such as hospitals, universities, and retail parks.
Turn-by-turn directions
Pictures to support visitor confidence
On-demand instructions
Empower your visitors to find their way efficiently and independently. Helm takes the wheel, offering an on-demand, accessible wayfinding solution that empowers visitors while streamlining your operations. Even without knowing individual preferences, we translate personal communications to meet each customer’s needs and preferences.
British sign language
Simplified, easy-read
Spoken word
Accessible typeface
International languages
As a venue manager, you’re about to discover a powerful solution that streamlines wayfinding and enhances visitor experiences within your complex campus sites. Let’s dive into what Helm brings to the table:
Ride on time enhances access to travel information for your public transport passengers.
Elevate the passenger experience and streamline visitor flow by equalising service information with Ride on Time:
Arrivals and departures
Routine announcements
Live announcements
Service changes
Empower passengers to travel efficiently and independently. Situational-aware information is sent directly to passengers’ phones, as well as your venue information screens.
Even without knowing individual preferences, we translate personal communications to meet each customer’s needs and preferences.
British sign language
Simplified, easy-read
Spoken word
Accessible typeface
International languages
Ride on Time enhances the information experience of public transport passengers, improving passenger confidence and their perception of customer service levels.